Soulstar Astrology
September 11 2007
New Moon Data EST
New Moon September 11 2007 8:45 AM
Full Moon September 26 3:46 PM
Solar Eclipse September 11 8:45 AM
Dark Moon begins October 8 3PM
Next New Moon October 11 1:02 AM
Fall Equinox Libra ingress September 23 5:52 AM


The following description merges astrophysical data at the moment of new Moon with archetypal patterns garnered from astrological correlations which are then harmonized with the premise that Creator's infinite perfection is first, has been first and always will be first. All is perfection.

The balance and harmony during moment of new Moon has the potential to manifest Joy in your life as you allow yourself to be your own authority. During new Moon how we reflect on who we are and our I Am merge. This creates opportunities to initiate new beginnings.

Through the clarity of my mind I connect and communicate with others, knowing WE ARE ONE and their presence like my own is the presence of Creator. The teacher within me awakens and boldly holds the intention to be in the loop of Creator's awareness. The strength to remember who I am manifests through my ability to own my emotional reactions. Since I am impeccable at being my own authority, I am, as my God Spirit self, the architect of my experience. As we listen, speak, and share our experience with each other we are quick to find the spiritual reason behind our immediate responsibilities as these selfless duties and our attention to them is the purification of humanities truth about who we are. I am committed to remembering who I am as a God Spirit being in human form.

To access the opportunities of new Moon energy you must be clear about being your own authority. When it comes to your own healing and awakening know that you must do it your self. Move into a state of self responsibility. There are things you have to do yourself, no one else can take your hand and fix certain things. These things are set-ups designed to show you your power to balance and harmonize your living dynamics by accepting them as your creations. The part of you who is absolutely clear that you create your own reality, who knows that life is a mirror, is the part of you who can ride this rainbow of energy with willful expression, holding frequency intention enthusiastically and joyously through to manifestation. Your sense of magnified self acceptance will serve you well during new Moon period.

New Moon Description September 11 2007

01 Now that Saturn has entered Virgo (2nd of September) the Virgo new Moon will bring in Virgo energy with an extra crunch. Virgo’s affiliation with self responsibility will prompt executive decisions. What is analytically deemed impractical will have to go. Virgo energy can be rather particular on it’s own, the added boost from Saturn’s presence in Virgo will take this discernment to work related areas affecting professional reputations. Virgo and clean up go together and with Saturn in there lets call it squeaky clean. Saturn will be in Virgo for a couple of years (until November 2009) so this new Moon can be likened to scripting the “to do” list.

02 With Saturn in Virgo for the new Moon we can holographically extrapolate a social infrastructure healing. Virgo energy which sees or feels humanity as a collective oneness (pure Pisces) will team up with Spirit and issue the directive, a design which honors the innocence and virgin quality of an evolving humanity.

03 As a side note here references to Virgo applies to everyone as everyone has Virgo somewhere in their personal chart. Certainly it applies to some more than others especially to those born under a Virgo Sun sign. Moon in Virgo, Virgo ascendant, or a personal planet in Virgo will also bring a Virgo focus or flavor to the individual’s experience yet it is different than a Virgo Sun sign. Your personal chart will reveal how this current new Moon alignment will apply to you in a more direct manner, in the meantime the intention with this report is to share the current accent which, as stated, applies generally to all. As a second side note here it is up to the individual who is experiencing this Virgo energy to be clear as to whether it is coming from a place of either discernment or judgement. This determination is done with the feeling center by simply paying attention to and valuing how we feel about something while remaining objective.

04 How can this Virgo new Moon and Saturn ingress manifest? Here are a couple of ideas:
- An individual with a Virgo focus in their birth chart can feel and react as if they had received a job promotion. Perhaps an actual promotion occurs. This can be a good thing for the rest of us, it depends on what the Virgo energy carries as their authority, what paradigm influences their beliefs. We can all benefit by allowing the Virgo individual (perhaps yourself) to be a director in a shared work space. They will know how to clean things up, as in getting rid of redundant or superceded influences from the past. When Virgo energy possesses shared space they bring a fresh clean sense of allowing to others, as long as everyone is focused on their responsibilities.
- This looks like a supportive alignment for the Virgo healer type. Virgo who has been soloing it a bit with their alternative medicine practice can be elevated in some way such that they are more accessible to the public.
-Researches, who live under the Virgo influence will tune their work so that it will be more valuable to humanity. They will potentially contribute to or lead to the design of a healthy infrastructure. What ever sort of research they/you do you will want to cut out the nonsense and get down to efficiency. Feel the inspiration which comes from Spirit and allow yourself to be guided to assist in the birth of a new practical infrastructure. Research which has been on going for some time may well find it’s mark, the public begins to value what has to this point been a personal research project.
-The medical industry will be called to the carpet, their focus and direction scrutinized. If all has been done with integrity then no problem, their healing models will continue to flourish. If medicine has been done with a lack of integrity we can count on some Virgo inspired energy to act humanitarian like, pointing out the lack of integrity and suggesting a new revised approach.

05 Virgo ruler Mercury is on the ascendant (EST) in Libra at the time of the new Moon solar eclipse. The Virgo energy will figure in terms of harmony or balance with a partner or others. The natural compliment for Virgo is Pisces. So here Virgo will be gentle with any disarranged Pisces energy. As this compliment can also be experienced as opposition, depending upon the degree of one’s ability to be discerning as opposed to judgmental, it would behoove the Virgo way shower to understand Pisces energy and not just for this Moon cycle. The natural selflessness or egolessness of Pisces can appear as an inability to prioritize one’s responsibilities, from the Virgo perspective Pisces can appear messy. Virgo who is aware that Pisces feels the worlds pain can generate a sense of understanding and patience for those who have difficulty putting their own well being first when their wellness can be so easily confused with global pain. Mercury in Libra shows us the Virgo clean up incentive will be in consideration of selflessness and compassion, accepting emotional pain as real.

06 Virgo energy senses relationship harmony with the body, it is like a taste, a sensual experience, a sensual humming. Our Virgo clean up self is personally nourished by relationship harmony. Once our cleanup self, or perhaps our research self, tunes into the quality of harmony within a relating experience we become a warrior (peaceful warrior of course) with how this valuable nurturing can be accessed through a relating experience. Virgo self likes to maintain a networking in the workplace, lots of communication and dialogue for the Virgo professional. You know who Virgo has accepted as their authority because they will network that authority connecting others to it. During this Moon cycle Mars, the courageous assertive force behind any energy, will be in Gemini. We can expect the Virgo self to speak up prudently and courageously thereby defining, or implying, their reputation to others in their work place. If Virgo self pays attention to the hum of their sensuality, maintains partnership harmony, their courageous dialogue will be a gift to others. If, however, their own personal relationship or coupling is a messy matter their work words will likely be an assertion influenced by their own personal relationship distractions.

07 The Virgo self likes to keep it’s personal inspiration under cover, self admiration is felt yet not flaunted. Venus, as the ruler of Libra and Taurus, is behind the Virgo sensuality and the hum felt when relationship dynamics are clear and nurturing. With Venus now in Leo, relationship inspired individuals qualify relationship obsession in terms of self admiration or being self inspired, such attributes are currently seen as adorable and admirable. The Virgo self, generally speaking, is a closet self admirer, their relationship motivation may not be apparent yet Virgo self can be quite motivated to service relationship harmony as a means of feeling connected to Gaia’s mothering energy. This connection when felt raises their self admiration and self acceptance. It feels good.

08 With Uranus, Pallas Athena retrograde, and north node all in Pisces we can expect some stirring up of humanitarian feelings potentially providing grist for the mill for our Virgo clean up crew. They can be enticed into relationship dramas as they seek to feel the sensual quality of relationship they are nurtured by. Uranus in Pisces electrifies a unified human compassion, north node in Pisces (accessible because of Pallas Athena conjunction) brings to humanity compassion which is direct from source, there is no association with judgement intimidation and solid world domination. Denial of source, distractions from source, can show up as hangovers from cultural and global paradigms which define, for example, medicine and infrastructure as appropriate for a world where all is separate, implying an obliviousness to innate creature protocols which are naturally affiliated with the symbiotic dance of the sacred goddess and the divine mother quality of Gaia.

09 Expect the unexpected when it comes to Uranus and here it is in Pisces. Unexpected events with water for the discombobulated Virgo self who partakes in infrastructure maintenance at the expense or disregard for the vast reaches of creation's congruent design which Pisces knows through their feelings.

10 No matter what occurs the release of compassion directly from source is in the stars. Virgo will service the birth of new infrastructure for a harmonious humanity by issuing the design as a Virgo priority. This new Moon will begin a two year process for Virgo who is entrained to innocence, the eternal virgin quality of pure goddess.

11 Quality of life for humanity is at a cross roads.We have freewill to choose our influences and to state our commitments through our actions. Humanities evolution is at hand and is being asserted, the quality of an individual’s journey is their own choice, you/individual can choose to have a joyous ride or a rough ride. Ignoring everything from the chin down, the body’s sensual opinion, suggests influences steming from a science of separation. As Virgo self reaches out on an individual level and embraces Pisces compassion no matter how messy it may currently appear, their action epitomizes the action of the evolved healer who’s personal journey holographically parallels a global healing and transformation.

12 This new Moon shows us the beginning of what will likely be a rather sharp and serious look at health and wellness issues. These health concerns will hit many forms of media as a questioning of the purpose and integrity which defines responsible professionalism is placed under the microscope. The real point obviously is to honor and embrace our body’s own inner healer. So what has been substituting for our innate healing ability? I once heard during a health lecture a few years ago that taking artificial hormones was like replacing a missing screw on an machine with one which does not match and screwing it in the hole anyway. What happens is the internal thread is damaged and so the correct screw will no longer fit. Our internal pharmacopeia is a wonder to behold, why then would so many accept so easily authorities which have developed from a slash and burn mentality? Perhaps fear, insurance claims, government organized health plans, have become the answer to everything. Of course there is a valid role for allopathic health care, absolutely, and yet we do have an innate inner intelligence which is interested in our personal health. Our health is necessary for our intended joyous experience and must be consider with utmost clarity. If we choose to belief in the theory of evolution (Darwinism) then we might believe our health requires such aggressive intervention. And yet such medicine practices speak for themselves as many have discovered and others shall soon discover. Much attention on the quality of health care will spark a revolution as the intention behind many socially accepted medical practices will be brought to light.

13 Aware that we live and exist within a vastness which extends beyond a solid world, aware that we exist within a realm which is better understood electromagnetically or holographically as opposed to physically we can choose to value those simple things like coincidence and deja vu. Astrology itself functions as an extrapolation of grand parallels and correlations which expand the vistas of what can be known to an incarnated Soul. Does your body know, does your body have an opinion? If we can accept that our body knows something about our condition which our medical authority does not (no disrespect to medical professionals is intended here) then we can get on with discovering, or perhaps remembering, the nature of this dialogue. This is indeed the information age. There is enough information out there to the general public to get clear as to what is the nature of reality. All is energy, frequency. Our health sciences are based on a notion of a solid world. We affect the so called solid world with our intention. Our ability to hold the frequency of our intention affects solid world outcomes and experiences. The proof is in there, in your will, and out there, in your experience. Health issues, discomforts and pains can literally be called denial supported by a self knowing which just does not know the quality of love and light which sources our existence. Yet this denial has become acceptable as local cultural beliefs. These two intention sources collide in the body and manifest health issues. This is why our health issues correlate with other experiences in our life. A personal examination of such a notion will yield the assurance that things seem magically connected. To act as if we at war with our body is to fight against the body’s dialogue shutting it up with denial management strategies.

14 Is there an infrastructure grander than the paradigm which current humanity has been inheriting from it’s recent forefathers? As one infrastructure collapses another will arise, who’s plan is it which will rise? Does our body have an opinion and if so will we listen? Does our body have an innate intelligence and is this innate intelligence considerate of our security and comfort? Are we allowing modern day infrastructure as in government and financial institutions, more authority over us than our own body’s opinion? Do you belief you are symbiotically connected to all other organic creatures of planet Earth, that you are a valued member of the greatest social club of all, Gaia? Our minds are like radio tuners, we can choose to direct our attention as we choose. This is where our reality experience begins, with what we choose to think about, what we choose to influence us. Our contemplations follow our choice of influence charging our inspiration, we build up an energy internally which must eventually move into a shared world.

September 11th Coincidences
A Soulstar Astrology Perspective

The following portion of this new Moon report focuses on the astrological connections between the current new Moon and the astrological chart cast for events which began on the morning of September 11th 2001.

15 On the morning of September 11th 2001 traumatic events began to unfold impacting our world. This portion of the report looks at the chart for the morning of Sep 11th 01 when these events began and the solar eclipse new Moon chart for Sep 11th 07. The number of striking astrological coincidences between the two moments, being unusually exaggerated, calls out the curious. Keeping within the relevance of social planetary transformations, what expanded insight can be fleshed out? What significance can be made of the time period between the two events?

16 There is no stick long enough or step ladder high enough to get up there and move the planets around. Combining this playful analogy with astrology’s correlating principles we find a foundation from which an expanding panoramic view of events is made available. From this unique perspective objectivity and trust meet. As an objective navigator we can lend ourselves the freedom to extrapolate correlating parallels and peer into vaster perspectives of events simply by refusing to drop the anchor of subjectivity holding off the need to begin rationalizing. Such subjectivity and rationalizing is best left to the individual as this is their free choice. From your own individual free choice you can thus drop anchor, accept a paradigm as reality and begin extruding answers relative to your beliefs. You know the degree to which your belief is aligned to absolute truth by the sheer expansion of clarity your belief yields. Determining the relevancy of personal experience is achieved by accepting what is while retaining self respect. Such attitude of responsibility has an admitting quality which implies an acceptance and awareness of a congruent foundation connecting the individual to their environment. Objectivity implies the existence of this connecting foundation as a far reaching manifestation of perfection, a perfection which is not to be confused with an ideal relative to a paradigm.

17 The 2001 event prompts humanity to feel, to expand experience through expanding and stretching collective emotional sensitivity. Astrological alignments of Sep11/01 point to the mind, how an unsure mind is poised to be influenced and directed through mass media. The directive of this influence comes from authority figures who refuse to feel yet aggressively communicate their own infrastructure agenda. It is not unrealistic to assume that the majority or perhaps all of the individuals in our human population were somehow affected by the events of Sep11/01. On a personal individual level we can consider if the events of Sep11/01 have affected our thoughts. From the correlating nature of reality the perspective is expansive, we can grasp understandings objectively. A personal self observation of how we feel about sharing values parallels those who belief they must control global values. Their actions as controllers of global resources parallel a mass acceptance of devaluing personal sovereignty and instead accept an external authority who’s paradigm implies separation. The organic symbiosis of creature living knows harmony and sharing innately, intimately, and will have an opinion. We are privy to this opinion simply by honoring acknowledging and accepting the feeling reactions our organic vehicle shows us. Those who have never considered their feelings from such an objective light will be challenged, their solid world survival threatened. To move our body’s dialogue to discernable terms we must first own and identify the paradigms we have allowed to influence our thinking concerning sharing values. An absurd exaggeration of the folly of separateness tossed into the mix of humanities current spiritual evolution may be just what the galactic doctor ordered for Gaia’s immediate recovery. A healthy planet a healthy human, how Virgo!

18 The 6 year period as a global window when looked at from the individual level is like a crash course in the nature of reality. The eclipse is our graduation if we can accept our emotions and feelings as an impeccable inner authority. Our feelings and emotions discerned objectively will lead us to where we have allowed our paradigms to be defined for us. Our feelings as organic briefings and our emotions as spirit dialogue allows us to be informed. Such an awareness implies personal sovereignty and self responsibility. The two Sep 11th dates shows us movement toward freedom from an infrastructure design which excludes the emotional compassionate ocean which connects all humanity, the removal of a denial which implies separation of people. The folly of this denial is acerbated by the control of media which defines sharing absent of acknowledging humanity as an organic celestial family.

19 The window shows us a grand fleshing out of paradigms which control infrastructure through domination of communications. Any individual which has been affected by the Sep11/01 events can choose to adventure into an objective holographic perspective. Objective as in being beyond blame and judgement takes us to a place of discernment and admission. Do we as individuals value a financial based infrastructure as a means to comprehend and secure our foundation and comfort in a time space reality? Or do we value the truth as epitomized by the orgasmic symbiotic dynamic of creature hood as the source of our security and comfort? Our feelings and emotions, like an organic complex computer system, give us the read on this dichotomy on an individual level. If we accept a little of one and a little of the other we feel the collisions of the dichotomy in our body, such a collusion will parallel our emotional truth. Remaining in discernment, remaining objective, paradigm free if you will, we can choose to admit our own part in a massive denial, a denial which has been forged in an infrastructure which is oblivious to loving the Earth as our own true source of comfort.

20 There are several astrological coincidences between the Sep11/01 and Sep11/07 new Moon solar eclipse charts which are quite sensational yet the one which is most profound is that the two events are separated by exactly six years within a 60 second margin. Here are some other coincidences. Mercury, co ruler to both Gemini and Virgo, is conjunct a Libra ascendant (both charts cast to EST time in New York). Also Venus is approximately the same location in Leo in both charts, forming a semi-sextile to the Sun in Virgo in both charts. This by the way gives us a Venus morning star in both charts. The significance of the Venus placement is heightened by the recent Venus retrograde. Her location on the new Moon solar eclipse is repeated for the third time since the last week in June 2007 and then again on first week of September 2007. The first week of September is also significant astrological because of Saturn’s ingress into Virgo, this after 2 years and one month in Leo. Saturn was at 18 degrees Leo on the Vernal Equinox 2007 marking this location as prominent for the ensuing 360 degree solar cycle or year. Another interesting coincidence is with Jupiter. Jupiter as the ruler of the 9th zodiac sign Sagittarius is at 11 degrees in both charts giving us a 9 11 in both charts. Both charts show a planet at 1 degree in earth signs. The planets which occupy the 1 degree are Mars in Capricorn for 2001 and Saturn in Virgo in 2007. Since Saturn rules Capricorn and Saturn was trine the Mercury conjunct ascendant in 2001 as well as Saturn’s placement during the 2007 Vernal equinox these alignments elevate in significance.

21 Virgo as the engineer, designer, or scientist, is practical, this practicality is guided by the designers particular vision. Integrity and inspiration are relative matters for each individual and depend upon the beliefs which influence an individual’s contemplation. True science is pure in it’s objectivity and decisive when subjectively manifested. The eclipse affects the investigator, healer, to free the mind from inspirations who’s source is other than an individuals own authentic self. Clarity of mind for the individual parallels organic integrity who’s source is authentic inspiration particular to the individual. Such acknowledging and honoring of individual uniqueness, authenticity, and inspiration, supports a shared world of social cooperation which interacts harmoniously.

22 After a 6 year reality check it is time to see what personal dreams were hijacked. From an expanded perspective of accepting our symbiotic organic truth as an essential fundamental priority our dreams can live, evolve and affect our experience. This time our experience, as the manifestation of our dreams, will be supported by a clarity of mind which epitomizes an embracing of our individual place within a vast symbiotic sharing and celebrating of Gaia as the source of comfort and security for all organic creatures.

23 On an individual level it is our emotional self which can stretch and reach into the symbiotic realm of organic interconnection which harmonies Earthly creatures and allows us to exist as a unified dynamic. Paradigms which define and imply isolationism shut down considerations which value the feelings and emotions, yet these attributes, feelings and emotions, are our experience qualifiers. Our state of comfort, for example, is known to us through our feelings and emotions.

24 Starting in 2001 through 2007 humanity is prompted to feel. To feel something which as a unified whole humanity has not felt before, at a least for some time, to expand out beyond the boundaries of current global infrastructures. This feeling adventure is a journey toward global congruency where planet wide infrastructure exists within the bounds of an all encompassing decree. Can 6.5 billion humans exist in harmony? When we consider the 100 trillion cells which cooperate and make up our organic form as an individual we can choose to witness a dynamic organic harmony. As an individual is our body at war with itself? The organic symbiosis which stands as the platform for our existence holds keys to truth, expansion, adventure, and harmony. When we consider paradigms which back infrastructures that act threatened, as in beliefs which substantiate events like that which occurred on Sep11/01, we expose influences which shun the organic truth of harmony, a harmony which is absolutely the pinnacle of our time space world experience.

01 I allow myself to receive holographic communications.

02 As an individual I am able to attune and merge with the presence of a single unified humanity. The unprejudiced truth of current events and the status of humanities awakening is communicated to me.

03 I am focusing on my personal investment and intend that it supports my Spirit directed career.

04 I love my parents and children without judgement and at the same time feel safe to admit that they trigger emotional dynamics like no others can.

05 I accept the actions of others as they seek to experience the expressions of their own emotional sensitivity.

06 Through the total absence of judgement and through active discernment I connect to the celestial communications grid allowing myself to be holographically imprinted with patterns congruent with the original Creators.

07 I love nurturing.

08 I am acknowledging my own personal inner healer by being attentive to the dialogue between my Spirit and Body.

09 I am objectively paying attention to how I habitually react to authorities who define the social values of medical and financial infrastructures.

10 I am knowing that my health is ultimately in my own hands.

11 I am expanding my awareness of everything simply by remaining objective and halting the need to automatically rationalize my emotional reactions.

12 My body has an amazing innate intelligence which keeps me informed as to what I need to be aware of as a physical incarnated being.

13 I return to creative artist expression and allow my compassionate inventive self to come out and playfully adventure.

14 Creation loves me and I love creation, together we embrace experience, expanding forever.

15 I am transformed, my mind is clear and unprejudiced, I am privy to a grand vastness, I am informed.

16 The information age has gifted me with a complete new way of understanding just about every aspect of my life which has previously distracted me. I am experiencing a personal revolution which has rebirthed how I know and feel truth.

17 I allow my body to inform me when something is not right for me. I agree to listen while maintaining an objective admitting perspective.

William Oulton
September 8 2007

October 11 2007 1:02 AM (EST)
November 9 2007 6:04 PM (EST)
December 9 2007 12:41 PM (EST)
January 8 2008 6:38 AM (EST)
February 7 2008 10:46 PM (EST)
March 7 2008 12:15 PM (EST
April 5 2008 10:56 PM (EST)
May 5 2008 8:12 AM (EST)
June 3 2008 3:24 PM (EST)
July 2 2008 10:20 PM (EST)
August 1 2008 6:14 AM (EST)
August 30 2008 3:59 PM (EST)
September 29 2008 4:13 AM (EST)
October 28 2008 7:15 PM (EST)